FMA Sports Highlights 1970 to 1979
1970 Highlights
- Athletic Director: E. Davis
- Varsity Football: Head Coach Larry Chinn; Assistant Coach Vince Alspaugh
- Prep Basketball: Coach: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Basketball: Coach: Larry Chinn
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Coach Harry “Hook” Hillman, Deceased 1971
- Track: Coach: Larry Chinn
- Varsity Tennis: Coach Rufus Outland
Most Valuable Players:
- Best All Around: Jim Bailey
- Varsity Football: Richard Henry
- Prep Basketball: Bobby Stevens
- Varsity Basketball: Mike Tayloe
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Ed Catapano
- Varsity Track: Steve Hyre
- Varsity Tennis: Paul Nelson
1971 Highlights
- Athletic Director: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Football: Head Coach Tom Gibbs; Assistant Coach Vince Alspaugh
- Prep Basketball: Coach: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Basketball: Coach: John Wadsworth
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Coach: Tom Gibbs
- Wrestling: Coach: Ashley Butler
- Track: Coach: John Wadsworth
- Tennis: Advisor: Col. Robert Plaine
Most Valuable Players:
- Best All Around High School: Richard Henry
- Best All Around Prep: Pat Callahan
- Best J. V. Basketball: Steven Gainey
- Prep Basketball Win/Loss Record: Wins: 9 Losses: 9
1972 Highlights
- Athletic Director: Rufus Outland
- Varsity Football: Head Coach: Tom Gibbs; Assistant Coaches: Ashley Butler, Doug Cobbs, Tom Loizzi; Managers: Johnny Sires, Paul O’Keefe, Alex Trant; Student Trainer: Ira Agricola
- Junior Varsity Football: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Prep Basketball: Coach: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Basketball: Coach: Tom Gibbs
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Wrestling: Coach: Ashley Butler; Managers: Coley Dize, Robert Stainback
- Track: Coach: Tom Loizzi
- Tennis: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Golf: Coach: Tom Gibbs
- Medical Attendant: Robert Doerr
- Varsity Football Win/Loss Record: Wins: 6 Losses: 2
- Prep Basketball: F.M.A. Invitational Tournament Champions; Fort Belvoir Champions
- Prep Basketball: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 12 Losses: 11
- Prep M.V.P. Fort Belvoir Tournament: Steve Walters
- High School Basketball Win/Loss Record: Wins 11 Losses: 10
- High School Basketball: Tidewater Conference Tournament 3rd Place
- J. V. Basketball: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 5 Losses: 15
- Tennis: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 3 Losses: 6
- Track: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 4 Losses: 4
- Track: 3rd Place in Conference Meet
- Golf: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 12 Losses: 2
1973 Highlights
- Athletic Director: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Football: Coaches: Tom Loizzi and Doug Cobbs
- Prep Basketball: Coach: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Basketball: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Coach: Tom Loizzi
- Wrestling: Coach: Danny Dunn
- Track: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Tennis: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Track: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 6 Losses: 5, Third Place Tidewater Conference
- Tennis: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 0 Losses: 8
- Prep Basketball: MVP and Best Prep Athlete: Steve Hendrickson; Best defensive Player: Tay Waltenbaugh
- High School Basketball: MVP: Bryan Jones; Best Defensive Player: Bob Hasty
- J. V. Basketball: Best player: Bruce Fail
- Wrestling: Most Improved Player: Roland Fagan; Most Valuable Player: Bill DePaolis
- Track: Best Trackman: Les Strickland
- Athlete Highest Average: Ronnie Altman
1974 Highlights
- Athletic Director: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Football: Head Coach: Tom Loizzi; Assistant Coaches: Doug Cobbs and Richard Stegmerten
- Prep Basketball: Coach: Rufus P. Outland; Manager Jon Grigg
Varsity Basketball: Coach: Doug Cobbs; Manager Robert Bryant - Junior Varsity Basketball: Coaches: Tom Loizzi and Richard Stegmerten
- Track: Coach: Richard Stegmerten
- Tennis: Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Medical Attendants: Mr. Doerr and Mr. Kube
- Tennis: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 4 Losses: 3 First Winning Season in Tennis
1975 Highlights
- Athletic Director: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Football: Coaches: Doug Cobbs, Robert Casper, Sandy Smith
- Prep Basketball: Rufus P. Outland
- Varsity Basketball: Coach: Doug Cobbs; Managers: Robert Bryant and Wayne Stack
- Junior Varsity Basketball: Coach: Robert Casper
- Wrestling: Coach: Sandy Smith
- Track: Coach: Robert Casper
- Tennis” Coach: Doug Cobbs
- Medical Attendants: Mr. Doerr and Mr. Kube
- Varsity Football: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 3 Losses: 5 Tied: 1
- Prep Basketball: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 16 Losses: 6
- Varsity Basketball: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 12 Losses: 13
- Tennis: Win/Loss Record: Wins: 5 Losses: 6
- Varsity Football: MVP: Brian Meck; Best Office Back: James Flatley; Best Defensive Back: Mark Acker
- Varsity Basketball: MVP: Brian Meck; Best Defensive Player: Kelvin Shortt;
- Athlete with Highest Academic Average: Stephen Swain
- Prep Basketball: Best Defensive Player: Gary Rafe; MVP and Most Outstanding Athlete: Richard Reed
- Wrestling: Most Valuable Wrestler: Albert Poliak; Most Improved Wrestler Christopher Moolhuyzen
- Track: Most Valuable Track: Fred Rivers; Most Valuable Field: Bill Price
- Tennis: Most Valuable Player: George Joyner
- Best Sportsmanship: Robert Bryant
- Most Outstanding Athlete: Brian Meck